Hemp blocks are the most accessible form of hempcrete being easy to use and requiring no special tools or machinery. They are light, easy to handle and due to their size progress on site is very quick.
Hemp Blocks

Hemp blocks are the most accessible form of hempcrete, they are easy to use and require no special tools or machinery. They are light, easy to handle and with their size progress on site is very quick.
Unleash the Potential, Versatility, and Sustainability of Hemp Building Blocks
Breathable Plasters

Clay/hemp Plaster
Fibrous clay plaster is the ideal finish for your hempcrete walls. It is the most vapour permeable plaster allowing your hempcrete greater access to the moisture vapour in the air making best use of hempcrete’s humidity buffering capabilities.
Instead of sand our clay plaster uses fine hemp shiv as aggregate, this increases its breathability by creating tiny pathways for moisture, increases its flexibility and also locks up more carbon in your home.
Our clay plaster is 100% natural and white in colour.

Lime Render
Lime render is the simplest external finish for hempcrete, it is durable, beautiful and breathable.
Our lime render can be trowel or spray applied and can be left natural or painted a breathable external paint or lime wash.

Hemp Block Mortar
Standard hemp block mortar – When using hemp blocks in conjunction with sprayed hempcrete or other insulation and cold bridging is not an issue.
Insulating hemp block mortar – When using hempcrete blocks through the entire thickness of the wall, our insulating hemp block mortar eliminates cold bridging through the mortar.